

Per recent Executive Order, Michiganders are required to wear a face-covering whenever they are in an indoor public space. It also requires the use of face coverings in crowded outdoor spaces. Businesses open to the public will refuse entry or service to those who decline to wear a face covering.


  • How it works

    • COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact.

    • All of us have droplets in coughs and sneezes that can carry COVID-19 to others.

    • Coughs spray droplets at least 6 feet. Sneezes travel as far as 27 feet. Droplets also may spread when we talk or raise our voices.

    • These droplets can land on your face or in your mouth, eyes, and nose.

    • When you wear a mask, it keeps more of your droplets with you.

    • A mask also adds an extra layer of protection between you and other people’s droplets.

Abraham Aiyash